Author Archives: The Nature Connection

Programs for Youth at Risk

The Nature Connection currentlyserves a number of residentialschool programs whose childrenhave experienced complextrauma in their young lives. Manyhave cognitive impairmentsand/or behavioral challenges andare often estranged from theirhomes or their families of origin.In such a setting, our first orderof business is to create a safe andcalming environment wheretransformations can happen.

Our animals are the perfectfacilitators. Interacting in small groups, we ask the children what they think the animal may need to feel safe visiting them for the first time. They are quick to make powerful connections because they know all too well the fears and anxiety of attending a new school or moving to a new foster family.

In every residential school we seea wide spectrum in initial interestamong the children. Some areeager to engage while othershave rejected the idea of a natureprogram before we’ve evenarrived. But it’s amazing to seehow the “vibe in the room”changes from the beginning toend of one session and over thecourse of the year.

As young people connect withour volunteers and the animals,they become curious aboutecology and habitats, ask questions and engage with their fellow students. Along with learning about the animals and the environment, they also learn to:

  • take healthy risks
  • build confidence
  • become more resilient to stress and anxiety triggers
  • slow down and be present
  • connect in new ways with peers and adults
  • discover new skills they didn’t know they had

It’s interesting to note that many of the schools we visit already have a therapy dog that lives on site with the children. The caregivers are well aware of the magic that happens between the children and animals and they see The Nature Connection as a way to help their students continue to blossom and grow.
